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Who May Take Albumax®?

Albumax® is formulated for people who need a high quality protein supplement. Albumax® may be used as a protein supplement for oral or tube-fed consumption and is not intended to be used as a meal replacement. Dieticians consulted about Albumax® are enthusiastic about the product and is suitable for the following individuals:



As we age we may lose our appetite, struggle to eat food and lose muscle mass.





Dialysis patients need an easy way to increase high quality protein in their diet, while limiting their liquid intake.



Sport Athletes

An athlete or avid exerciser should consume protein 60 minutes after a workout as this is when the muscles are most responsive for repair and growth process. 

Burns & Wounds

Your body needs protein to repair cells and make new ones. 




Picky Eaters/ Low Appetite

Low protein intake may lead to weak muscle tone, edema, think and brittle hair, loss of muscle mass in adults and stunted growth in children. 

Eating Disorders


A source of protein with no added sugars, carbohydrates or fats. 





Individuals who have cancer may have a low appetite or nausea due to therapy, which puts them at risk for a protein deficiency.

Other Individuals


HIV patients, critically ill patients, chronically ill patients, and pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. 


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