Calcium Caseinate & Whey Protein
Albumax® contains calcium caseinate and whey protein isolate as protein sources.

Whey Protein Isolate
Most of the whey protein powders contain mostly whey protein concentrate with some whey protein isolate mixed in.
Albumax contains only whey protein isolate. Whey protein Isolate is a better whey protein than the more common whey protein concentrate.
Whey protein isolate undergoes a more stringent filtration process that yields a higher protein percentage and leaves out the fat, carbs, ash and moisture thus it is a purer protein with a higher biological value. It usually yields about +95% protein depending on the filtration process.
Whey protein concentrate contains anywhere between 29% and 89% protein depending on the product.
This is why Albumax has zero grams of fat and cholesterol.
Calcium Caseinate
Calcium Caseinate is a biologically-unique grade of protein derived from milk, and is low in fat, lactose and sodium.
In addition, Calcium Caseinate boasts an impressive nutritional profile that's naturally rich in amino acids, protein and calcium. Despite having the same high quality rating as traditional whey isolates, Calcium Caseinate is more slowly utilized based on its coagulating properties.
This slow digestion process allows the body to absorb more of the amino acids and peptides, while offering a steady and prolonged supply of nitrogen to muscle tissues.
In doing so, satiety (fullness) can be enhanced while muscle fibers are efficiently nourished